Woman's face, before Submental Lipocontouring treatment, front view, patient 8
After 6 Weeks
Woman's face, after Submental Lipocontouring treatment, front view, patient 8
Woman's face, before Submental Lipocontouring treatment, r-side view, patient 8
After 6 Weeks
Woman's face, after Submental Lipocontouring treatment, r-side view, patient 8
Woman's face, before Submental Lipocontouring treatment, l-side view, patient 8
After 6 Weeks
Woman's face, after Submental Lipocontouring treatment, l-side view, patient 8

This is a 20 y.o. female who wanted a more chiseled and refined look of her jaw line and neck. She was evaluated by Dr. Svehlak.

Dr. Svehlak performed submental liposuction and lipocontouring through a tiny 3mm incision under the chin.  He was able to reduce the fullness of her neck and the jowls, and give her a more defined jaw line.  On the fron view her lower face even appears slimmer.  She was very happy with the results.

Submental Lipocontouring: Case 8

Female , 20

Procedure: Submental Liposuction + Lipocontouring
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak