Woman's face, before Brow Lift, Forehead Lift treatment, front view, patient 7
After 3 Years
Woman's face, after Brow Lift, Forehead Lift treatment, front view, patient 7
Woman's face, before Brow Lift, Forehead Lift treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 7
After 3 Years
Woman's face, after Brow Lift, Forehead Lift treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 7
Woman's face, before Brow Lift, Forehead Lift treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 7
After 3 Years
Woman's face, after Brow Lift, Forehead Lift treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 7

This is a 50 y.o. female from Hermosa Beach, CA, who wanted improvement in her upper and lower face. She felt she was looking older with looseness in her neck area and tiredness around her eyes. She sought consultation with Dr. Svehlak.

Dr. Svehlak performed an open browlift (forehead lift), a lower facelift and necklift, and facial fat grafting. She had a very nice improvement with long lasting results. She was very happy with her results.

- Hermosa Beach, CA

Brow Lift, Forehead Lift Photos: Case 7

Female , 50

Procedure: Browlift (forehead lift) + Lower Facelift + Necklift + Facial Fat Grafting
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak