Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view (lips closed), patient 7
After 1 Week
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view (lips closed), patient 7
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view, patient 7
After 1 Week
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view, patient 7
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 7
After 1 Week
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 7
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 7
After 1 Week
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 7

This is a 23 y.o. female who didn’t like the “long look” of her upper lip.  She wanted a more shortened youthful look.  She was evaluated by Dr. Svehlak.

Dr. Svehlak performed an upper lip lift surgery under local anesthesia.  The procedure took about 1 hour.  The loved change in her lip posture and shape.

Lip Lift and Lip Reduction Photos: Case 7

Female , 23

Procedure: Lip Lift or Lip Reduction
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak