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    1. Avoid manipulation or pressure over the treated area such as massage, tight hats or goggles for the first 3-5 days.

    2. No massage or facial for 5 days.

    3. If your eyebrows were injected, do not wax or tweeze your eyebrows for 3-5 days.

    4. The day of your injection it is very important to avoid doing anything that can move the medication within the skin. Avoid any pressure on the injected area at all for the first 4 hours.

    5. Some studies show that if you move your treated muscles frequently during the first 4 hours it may take effect a day earlier. This is optional.

    6. No vigorous exercise (no hot and sweaty face) for 24 hours.

    7. Results occur gradually over 2-14 days.

    8. Facial therapy involving micro-currents should be avoided for 2 weeks.

    9. If at 2 weeks after this date you find any asymmetry or feel you may need an adjustment, please call the office to schedule a touch up.