If you’ve had liposuction done and are not satisfied with the results, please contact us for further information, and visit these related pages: <a title="Repairing Liposuction: An Interview with Dr. Steven Svehlak About Liposuction & Revisions” href=”https://www.sunsetcosmeticsurgery.com/la-plastic-surgeons/liposuction-repair/”>Repairing Liposuction: An Interview with Dr. Steven Svehlak Liposuction and Breast Implant Repair: Tara Reid Before & After Photos of Liposuction Repair
Why did this happen to me?
It can be an extreme let-down when you try to make a positive change and the results aren’t what you anticipated. Don’t panic, and try not to feel discouraged; there are several ways that liposuction irregularities can be improved. Traditional liposuction uses large tubes, or cannulas, that remove large pockets of fat tissue. If done too close to the skin’s surface or in areas with loose skin, dents or ripples may occur. Dr. Svehlak, who specializes in fixing and repairing unsatisfactory liposuction, uses a combination of micro fat grafting and micro liposculpting to help improve the look of post-lipo irregularities. Dr. Steven Svehlak, a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, specializes in liposuculpting and the repair of unsatisfactory breast and body sculpting surgery. Sought after by many for his highly skilled work, he has helped many patients improve their undesirable plastic surgery results and restore their confidence. Working with patients who have already tried plastic surgery and were not happy with their results can be challenging, however, most revision patients understandably do not want to go to the surgeon who did their initial work. Dr. Svehlak brings a genuine sense of caring to every patient so that they understand the process and have realistic expectations for their results. Dr. Svelhak helped to repair the plastic surgery of actress Tara Reid, whose initial liposuction and breast enhancement surgery left her with irregularities. Using micro fat grafting and micro liposculpture, Dr. Svehlak was able to improve the look of Tara’s original breast surgery and liposuction by revising her implant incisions to make her nipples more even, and smoothing out the dents and bumps that bothered her on her stomach. Tara called Dr. Svehlak her “hero”, and credited him with restoring her confidence. A consultation with Dr. Svehlak is the best way to determine if a liposuction repair would be a good option for you. Photos can also be for the doctor’s feedback and review. Typically, patients need to wait at least 6-12 months from the time of their most recent surgery so that their post-operative swelling doesn’t interfere with the revision and the body is ready to undergo a repair.