With multitudes of practice experience between the plastic surgeons, Dr. Daniel Yamini and Dr. Steven Svehlak of Sunset Cosmetic Surgery in Los Angeles, it’s guaranteed they have both heard plenty of stories where effective plastic surgery has improved a patient’s body image and self esteem. But on the contrary, they have also seen many unsettling cases regarding unskilled surgeons and disappointing results.

Sunset is home to two leading California plastic surgeons. They are highly sought after from patients all over the valley and have assisted many patients with various cases for revision plastic surgery. When corrective plastic surgery becomes a necessity, the Drs. understand patients are often upset and distressed with the idea of a corrective surgery requiring more time, more money and more healing. The most important advice they can offer to help avoid these common pitfalls is to perform thorough initial research, including taking the following steps:

Three Steps to Avoid Plastic Surgery Revisions

Understand Plastic Surgery Protocol – Learning of a plastic surgeon’s qualifications, realistic expectations, and their standard surgical procedure can really help one to avoid poor results. While there are many surgeons in the area that are indeed reputable, qualified and capable of whatever they promise, there are many who don’t live up to expectations. If patients are aware of what to look for, they can avoid inexperienced surgeons and imperfect results as well as the necessity for plastic surgery revisions.

Understand Board Certification – Finding a plastic surgeon is not a choice to take lightly. Determining board certification may offer patients an indicator of surgeon skill. Review a physician’s resume and experience to help ensure skillful results. Surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery have been properly certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties and must have met predetermined surgery standards. Any type of doctor, holding a medical degree, may be board-certified, but not necessarily in plastic surgery. When choosing a plastic surgeon, selecting one board-certified in plastic surgery means your physician has undergone the necessary surgical training in a supervised setting and will demonstrate the best practices for your safety.

State Your Expectations Out Loud – There is only one way to determine if your plastic surgeon is right for you and that is to schedule a consultation with your prospective physician. This is your time to have your case reviewed, learn how procedures will be performed and to get some of your questions answered. When the physician asks you, “What are you hoping to achieve?” make sure that you are thoroughly prepared to answer this and able to explain your desires for your procedure. By doing so, you may be able to help avoid unwanted results.

At Sunset Cosmetic Surgery, we offer patients a variety of breast, body and skin procedures with reliable results. We display hundreds of before and after photos upon our website, including those of body and scar revision, liposuction repair, corrective breast enhancement and more. Our plastic surgeons routinely fix plastic surgery mishaps, and have the expertise and knowledge to avoid the mistakes that incompetent surgeons commonly make. Their philosophy is to focus on the safety, satisfaction and comfort of patients while providing the best possible outcome. Drs. Yamini and Svhelak are both double-board certified in surgery and plastic surgery and are highly considered experts in their field.

Don’t pick a plastic surgeon at random, or just because they offer a great deal. Do your research; familiarize yourself with Sunset Cosmetic Surgery in West Hollywood and when you’re ready to schedule a consultation, we’ll be ready for you!

Schedule Your Consultation, Together we will Elevate Your Beauty

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